What is Varicose Vein
About 50% of the population has various forms of venous disease and varicose veins may affect 15-20% of adults.
The underlying cause of varicose veins is venous reflux disease, which occurs when the tiny valves inside your leg veins that control blood flow from your legs to your heart become damaged. Then the faulty valves in the veins allow blood to flow in the wrong direction or to pool. So varicose veins are enlarged, bulging veins that appear on the surface of the skin on your legs.
Varicose veins can be painful, especially when standing. Severe long-standing varicose veins can lead to leg swelling, venous eczema, skin thickening and ulceration. Pregnant women and people who are overweight are more susceptible to varicose veins.
Varicose vein six stages | |
Stage 1 | Telanglectasias or recticular veins |
Stage 2 | Varicose vein, pain |
Stage 3 | Edema |
Stage 4 | Pigmentation or eczema, atrophie, blanche |
Stage 5 | Healed venous ulcer |
Stage 6 | Active venous ulcer |
靜脈曲張為常見的都市病,醫學界估計,近五成人口患有不同程度的靜脈毛病,而靜脈曲張可影響多達15-20%的成年人,患者的下肢會呈現蚯蚓狀血管,影響外觀,更會隨不同情度的病情出現痛楚,水腫,抽筋,甚至可引致啡斑形成、皮膚潰爛 及結疤等併發症。
目前對靜脈曲張的起因仍不太清楚﹐僅知道靜脈曲張與性別、年齡與遺傳有關。遺傳是導致靜脈曲張的最重要原因,女士亦比男士更易患上靜脈曲張 – 於青春期, 懷孕, 更年期或服用避孕丸的荷爾蒙水平均會影響病情。常要長時間站立的職業,以及身體負重大的人,腿部靜脈長期受壓,都是靜脈曲張的高危險族群,較容易出現曲張的毛病。
毛細血管擴張, 下肢出現網狀靜脈
靜脈曲張,下肢血管明顯凸出, 腳部易疲倦及痛楚
靜脈曲張, 腳眼腫脹
皮膚變色, 出現類似濕疹症狀, 如皮膚變乾, 痕癢或疼痛
Why choose ClariVein®OC
Procedures which use ClariVein®OC are often simpler, faster and studies have shown significant less pain than other minimally-invasive peripheral vascular treatments1. Because no thermal energy is used, there is no need for the multiple needle-stick injections of anesthesia (pain-numbing) medication along the length of the treated area. This shortens the time the procedure takes, reduces pain and discomfort, and also eliminates bruising.
- Minimally invasive, local anesthesia is sufficient
- No risk of thermal damage to nerve and skin
- Suitable for Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) and Small Saphenous Vein (SSV)
- Minimize patient discomfort, quick return to normal activities
- Fast procedural time
為何選用 ClariVein®OC
- 安全和有效的技術,沒有全身麻醉的需要。
- 沒有從熱能所引起的神經線損傷或皮膚灼傷的風險。
- 機械轉動和硬化劑相結合的優良效果。
- 適合大隱靜脈(GSV)或細隱靜脈(SSV)治療。
- 手術時患者的舒適度高,治療後可立即恢復日常活動。
- 疤痕非常細小,皮膚或只有輕微瘀色。
- 手術簡單快捷。

What is ClariVein®OC
ClariVein®OC, a combination of non-thermal and mechanical technology, is a specialty infusion catheter with a rotating wire tip designed for the controlled 360-degree dispersion of physician-specified agents to the targeted treatment area.
The ClariVein®OC device is a slim, thin catheter (tube) that your doctor temporarily inserts into the peripheral vasculature through a pin-sized entrance point. ClariVein®OC is several times smaller than other devices used in peripheral vascular treatments allowing the entrance point to be smaller.
- 通過導管尖端在血管內壁進行高速旋轉
- 加上硬化劑從導管的尖端噴灑到已破壞的血管內壁,以確保最大的堵塞及閉合效果

What happens during the procedure
Once placed inside the peripheral vasculature using a pin-sized entry through the skin, the rotating tip of the ClariVein®OC is set in motion to treat the inside of the vessel delivering medicine specified by your doctor. The medicine is delivered through the unique rotating tip of the catheter allowing for 360-degree coverage of the vessel. The procedure typically takes very little time and creates minimal discomfort.
醫生會先在大腿上注射局部麻醉藥物,並在腿上作皮下穿刺。 ClariVein®OC 導管由超聲波的導引下進入靜脈,直至導管尖端到達隱股靜脈交界處的附近。在導管的高速轉動及回轍的過程中以360度在血管內壁噴灑硬化劑,從而引發靜脈自然收縮閉合 。經過短暫的手術過程後,病人可立即恢復日常活動。